
Through our parnes hayom program donors are able to sponsor Torah learning or special school programming in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special occasion, or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.  Parnes hayom sponsorships allow us to enhance  our  extra  and  co-curricular  programming  by providing more of the things that our students love and that increase school spirit, including field trips, exciting food, and live music,  to name just a few.

A partial list of sponsorship opportunities appears below. Each dedication is publicly announced to the students at an appropriate time during the school day and to parents in a morning email; sponsorship are also noted in The Stream, Ma’ayanot’s weekly newsletter.

To discuss alternative sponsorship opportunities that may feel more meaningful to you and your family, please call  201 833 4307.



$1800 – Sponsor a Day of Learning in Perpetuity

$500 –  Sponsor a special guest lecture

$360 –  Sponsor a Week of the Bruce Ritholtz z”l Mishmar Program

$250 –  Sponsor an issue of Ma’ayanei Torah


Or sponsor a special school program that is meaningful to you. Examples include:

Pre-Rosh Hashanah Yom Iyun
School-wide Shabbaton
Pre-Thanksgiving Seudat Hoda’ah
Chanukah Chagiga
Family Learning Night
Book Day
Purim Chagiga
School-Wide Interdisciplinary Day of Study
Tenth grade Interdisciplinary Day of Study
Twelfth grade Interdisciplinary Day of Study
Yom Hazikaron Program
Yom Ha’atzmaut Chagiga