The Torah Activities and Programming Committee (TAP) provides Ma’ayanot students with opportunities for additional Torah learning. The committee conducts after-school mishmar programs, “lunch and learn” events, and yemei iyun. No year would be complete without Mishmover and Torahton! TAP enriches our students’ lives with Torah beyond the classroom and encourages students to make Torah learning a priority outside of school.
The Bruce Ritholtz Mishmar Program
The Bruce Ritholtz Mishmar program consistently attracts more than 200 students weekly. Programs take place after school on Thursday evenings. Students engage in a wide range of textual and creative Torah learning opportunities provided by our faculty and guest speakers.
Yemei Iyun
Several times a year, Ma’ayanot runs Yemei Iyun for students to learn about upcoming holidays or other topics of interest. At the Aseret Yemei Teshuva and Pre-Pesach Yemei Iyun, students choose from a wide variety of faculty-led shiurim that touch on themes related to the holidays, followed by an interactive school-wide program.
Parsha Club
Students have the opportunity to learn Parshat HaShavua from dynamic speakers from among our faculty every week. Parsha club takes place on Thursdays during lunch. Pizza is served.
Mishmover is an all-night extravaganza of learning and bonding (and some sleeping) in school. Mishmover involves interactive sessions, inspiring speakers, and thought-provoking panels. Our students hear from community leaders, our Alumnae College Fellows, their peers and our very own Ma’ayanot faculty across all disciplines. Throughout the night, we serve delicious food and provide opportunities for students to get to know each other and shmooze with faculty. Plus there’s an epic chulent cook-off!
In addition to other school Shabbatonim, students are invited to attend Torahton, an annual Shabbaton dedicated to Torah study. Students spend Shabbat together in Teaneck, learning from and dialoguing with local community leaders, Rabbanim and educators as well as Ma’ayanot Judaic Studies faculty.
Torah Bowl
The Torah Bowl team competes against other yeshivot in the Metropolitan Yeshiva League. The competition follows a quiz-show format similar to College Bowl with a team of four students competing at one time. The students study the pshat and Rashis of selected parshiot in the Torah. Participants learn a lot of Torah lishmah independently and hone their memory and recall skills. Breadth, depth and speed as well as sportsmanship and teamwork are all skills that the successful Torah Bowl Team member must demonstrate. The Torah Bowl team meets during lunch throughout the year and is open to all interested students.
Midreshet Ma’ayanot
The Ma’ayanot Matmidot program is a series of multifaceted educational programs that offer students a growing menu of Torah learning opportunities. The program includes Morning Midrasha (daily learning after tefilla), a siyum of Masechet Megillah and Rambam’s Hilchot Megillah before Purim, pre-Pesach learning, vacation learning, and the ongoing Why-aanot WhatsApp forum for students to post their questions about Torah and Judaism to a group of faculty members.
Ma’ayanot Enrichment Program
Ma’ayanot Scholars Program (MSP) is a school-wide initiative aimed at encouraging students to increase the amount of time they spend engaged in extracurricular Torah study, Torah lishmah. The aim of MSP is to create a culture of learning Torah lishmah outside the context of the classroom. MSP is for any Ma’ayanot student who would like to dedicate some of her discretionary time to learning, and is open to students in every grade and in every track.
Holiday Enhancement Committee
If you love celebrating the holidays and bringing holiday spirit to Ma’ayanot, then the Holiday Enhancement Committee is the committee for you. HEC is in charge of running programs for specific holidays and decorating the school for Chanukah, Thanksgiving, Rosh Chodesh, and many more!